Wheeled Mikado steals the show at Darlington works’ Tornado celebration


COVENANTORS and supporters of the A1 Steam Locomotive Trust were the first to lay eyes on newly wheeled Gresley ‘P2’ No. 2007 Prince of Wales during a celebration to mark the 10th anniversary of ‘A1’ Tornado at Darlington Locomotive Works at the end of July.

The four completed 6ft 2in wheelsets left the workshops of South Devon Railway Engineering at Buckfastleigh on July 23, and were placed beneath the ‘P2’ almost immediately following their arrival at Hopetown.

Gresley ‘P2’ No. 2007 Prince of Wales is pictured at Darlington on July 31 following the fitting of its four coupled wheelsets. BOB HUGHES

The result was No. 2007 becoming an 0-8-2 temporarily as the leading pony truck was not expected to be delivered until August. However, with the boiler cladding in place to give the illusion of a boiler, and the loco having been given an all-over coat of red oxide primer, the result was nevertheless very impressive.

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The presentation of No. 2007 came at the same time the A1SLT agreed a £350,000 order for a state-of-the-art electrical system.

Read more in the September issue of The RM – on sale now!

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