Autumnal steam show at Bredgar


BREDGAR & Wormshill Light Railway (B&WLR) closed its season with seven locos in steam on October 29.

Fowler 0-6-0WT Limpopo, Fowler 0-4-2T Zambesi, O&K 0-4-0WT Eigiau, and Arn Jung 0-6-0WT Katie handled the bulk of all-line passenger operating.

Bredgar & Wormshill Light Railway’s Arn Jung 0-6-0WT No. 2 Katie with a passenger train on
October 29. CLIFF THOMAS

Bagnall 0-4-0ST Armistice primarily worked a demonstration freight between Warren Wood and Stony Shaw stations, with limited appearances by Hunslet 0-4-0ST Lady Joan, O&K 0-4-0WT Helga, and diesel locos, to produce a superb late-season event amid sunlit autumnal colours.

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B&WLR’s remaining 2ft-gauge locos – Decauville 0-4-2ST Victory and Schwartzkopf 0-4-0WT Bronhilde – are both withdrawn pending heavy overhaul.

Victory will be the first to receive attention, with Bronhilde requiring significant work and unlikely to steam for some time.

Read more in December’s issue of The RM – on sale now!

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